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State of Oregon


Oregon State Flower: Oregon Grape

Weddings in Oregon


    • Tests: No blood test or physical exam is required.
    • Residency: Residents and nonresidents are eligible to apply for a marriage license.
    • Age: Both parties must be 18 years of age or older to marry in Oregon.
    • Location: An Alaskan marriage license is valid only for marriages performed in Alaska or in Alaska State waters.
    • Expiration:Where is a three (3) day waiting period from the day the license is issued until it can be used.
    • License Expiration: The license is good for 60 days from the effective date.
    • Marriage by Proxy: Proxy marriages (where someone stands in for the other party) are not permitted in Oregon.
    • Divorced Applicants: All divorces must be final before applying for a marriage license. A marriage license can be issued one day after the final date of a divorce.

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